Blender: Colllada Export Settings

View all the settings in a single image

The following guide lists some typical recommended settings for the Blender Collada exporter, along with explanations for any relevant options. If you find any scenarios where other settings are useful let us know and we’ll add it to the notes.


Selection OnlyEnabledOnly exports objects that are selected at time of export
Include Children(Optional)In addition to above, export children of selected objects
Include ArmaturesDisabledNL2 does not support armatures (used for skeletal animation)
Include Shape Keys(Optional)You only require this if you know what a blendshape animation is and whether you’re currently using them
(Global Orientation)Y Forward
Z Up
Adjusting these settings will change the resulting orientation of object. The default settings work correctly in Nolimits 2
Only Selected UV MapDisabledTypically better to remove unused UV maps from object data prior to export
Copy(Optional)Disable if you’re assigning NL2MATs, otherwise may be useful when directly using texture files


Apply ModifiersEnabled
Apply modifier stacks before exporting
TriangulateEnabledRecommended — All meshes should be triangulated except for occluders and autosprite material deformations
Transformation TypeViewRequired for correct export of animation


Not supported in NL2


Include Animations(Optional)Self explanatory, may save a couple of bytes if you disable this when not needed
(Type)SamplesCurves are not used in Nolimits 2, so sampling will create intermediate keyframes to ensure you have a correct animation result
Transformation TypeMatrixRequired for correct export of keyframe animations
Sampling Rate>= 11 will create samples at the rate of the Blender scene framerate. 2 is half framerate, 4 is quarter etc. Nolimits will linearly interpolate between keyframes, so a lower value creates a more accurate result, at the cost of file size.
Keep keyframes(Optional)Exports the original authored keyframes in addition to the sampled keyframes. Not typically necessary
All keyed curvesDisabledExports animation tracks with no data. Does not appear to be necessary for correct functionality in Nolimits 2


Use Object InstancesDisabledNot compatible with modifiers, so you should typically leave this disabled
Use Blender ProfileDisabledMay be useful if you need to reimport the models into blender at a later date, otherwise leave disabled
Sort by Object nameDisabledDoes not have any effect in NL2
Keep Bind InfoDisabledDoes not have any effect in NL2, appears to be related to unsupported skeletal animation
Limit PrecisionDisabledMay cause vertex positions to change on export

Save your preset!

These options will be reset when Blender closes, so make sure to click the plus icon next to the preset dropdown and save a new Preset. You may wish to save a few variants, for example I use three presets for all of my NL2 exports:

  • NL2 animation, which has settings as shown above
  • NL2 standard, which has animations disabled
  • NL2 quads, which has animations and triangulation disabled